Logbook & Work Time Online

With a $25,000 maximum fine for a company, or 35 demerits and a $2000 fine for an individual (per offence), it’s important for both drivers and their employers to know the logbook rules. This course is an effective way to learn that.

Drivers will be able to experience a full 6 day driving scenario involving multiple stops and types of work plus 16 more examples of logbook pages showing correct and incorrect usage, accepted variations, common mistakes and what to

do when a driving schedule is changed.

What will you learn?

  • Work time
  • Rest time
  • Time extensions
  • Unforeseen delays
  • Exempt vehicles and drivers
  • Multiple vehicle scenarios
  • Offences
  • Secondary employment
  • Causes, symptoms and management of fatigue

Who should do this course?

  • Any heavy vehicle driver that needs to understand logbooks and must comply with work time rules will find this course beneficial.
  • Transport operators who need a cost effect method to ensure their drivers know their obligations for keeping their vehicles on the road.
Book now
$40.00 +GST per person